Vol. 16 No. 3 (2024): Special issue: "Audiovisual content in the new era of screens and mobile devices"

Dr. Jorge Gallardo-Camacho, Universidad Camilo José Cela
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3790-5105
Dra. Carmen Marta Lazo, Universidad de Zaragoza
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0004-1094
Audiovisual content in the new era of screens and mobile devices.
The present and the future of Audiovisual Communication and the entertainment industry depend on the consumption of audiovisual content through the different screens and mobile devices to which the Information and Communication Society has access. On the one hand, large media groups are betting on a hybrid strategy of coexistence of linear broadcasting with their strategy of content generation for video platforms (their own or others). On the other hand, new Over The Top (OTT) platforms are emerging and existing ones are continuously adapting to continue growing (Netflix, for example, now includes advertising at a cheaper rate). Finally, in addition to Youtube or Twitch, where video is the basis of their birth, audiovisual content has more and more weight in social networks such as TikTok, Instagram or Twitter and they propose new formulas of entertainment with short contents. It is indisputable that audiovisual content and video have established themselves as the future of the Internet and Audiovisual Communication. Is there an audiovisual production bubble in all areas of the industry? What audiovisual content works best?
What kind of entertainment do viewers look for when they enter any screen? In this Call For Paper we accept articles that analyze this phenomenon from the point of view of content, screens, consumption and audiences in the field of Audiovisual Communication in general both in the field of traditional television (free-to-air or cable, thematic or generalist, pay or free), OTT or social networks linked to video.
Thematic lines of articles that can be sent to this Call For Papers:
Traditional linear television and its strategy in the face of the arrival of video platforms 2.
2.OTT platforms and audiovisual content
3. Audiovisual content with more audience in the new global context.
4. Analysis of audiovisual consumption on mobile screens and devices.
5. Social networks and video use
6. Audiovisual and entertainment offer in the audiovisual sector
7. Consumption and audience analysis and studies of the audiovisual market.
8. Living room television versus the rest of mobile screens.
9. Global or localized Audiovisual Communication studies in any of these areas of analysis.
Keywords: Audiovisual content, fiction, entertainment, screens, audiences, mobile devices.