Regulation of digital advertising perceived by children: the caso of spillover

Comparative Analysis Spain - Chile


  • Carlos Felipe Andrés Corro Calderón



Children, Advertising, Regulation, Spillover, Spain, Chile


Children are highly exposed to digital advertising due to their use of the Internet, behavioural data collection and privacy policies. Through interviews and analysis of doctrine, data and regulations, the research aimed to identify issues related to the protection of children's rights in the Spanish and Chilean legal systems. 

One of the main conclusions is that both legislations lack regulation of spillover, which refers to advertising received by children but not specifically targeted at them. As a result, ongoing research is therefore being carried out to further investigate this phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Corro Calderón, C. F. A. (2024). Regulation of digital advertising perceived by children: the caso of spillover: Comparative Analysis Spain - Chile. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 16(3), 95–106.