Content distribution to segmented audiences: platforms and the crowd concept.

Study case: Infinito+1




audiences, crowdfunding, religious, community, platform on demand, documentary, films


This article aims to analyze how the new distribution windows interrupt the distribution of audiovisual content. For this, the case of the production company Infinito+1 is studied when approaching a specific segment of the audience: the religious community. The behavior of this type of so-called niche audience offers a diversity of possibilities within content distribution, such as crowdfunding, crowdsourcing or platform on demand. These actions will be analyzed and studied with the idea of understanding the actuality of the audiences and the distribution of content.


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Author Biographies

Eva Patricia Fernández Manzano, Universidad Camilo José Cela

PHd in Information Sciences from the UCM, Master in Audiovisual Company Management from the IE and Master in Big Data and Business Intelligence from the EOI. She is currently a professor at the UCJC, and participates in national and international conferences. She is the author of articles and books related to her lines of research: Big data, application of technology to new business models in the entertainment and film industry, transmedia and audiovisual production. Among his main publications Data management in the audiovisual industry: Netflix as a case study (EPI, 2016), Big data, strategic axis in the audiovisual industry (UOC, 2016) and Analytic surveillance Big data business models in the time of privacy awareness (EPI, 2018).

Rafael Linares Palomar, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid, Technician in Multimedia Communication from the Francisco de Vitoria University and Doctor in Information Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. Executive Master in Communication Company Management MEGEC, at the University of Navarra and IESE. He is currently a full professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. As an author, his books stand out: Film Promotion. Communication strategies and film distribution (Fragua, 2009), Cast the hook! Pitch strategies for audiovisual conferences and transmedia projects (Editorial UOC, 2014) and Film Marketing (UOC, 2016).


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How to Cite

Fernández Manzano, E. P., & Linares Palomar, R. (2024). Content distribution to segmented audiences: platforms and the crowd concept. : Study case: Infinito+1 . VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 16(3), 15–28.