Corporal deregulation through digital devices


  • Claudia Fonseca Carrillo Universidad de Santiago. IDEA



deregulation, body, students, devices, affection, touch, Instagram


This study sought to establish the corporal deregulation that is seen in the bodies of students using digital devices like Instagram. The methodology used was comprised of a visual analysis, literary review and thematic interviews. The conclusions revealed the joining of human and non-human bodies in an organized regime, a governmentality, in which techniques and stereotypes of gender and race circulate, from which bodies are molded and reproduced through the digital device; a government without governing bodies in the context of the social distancing of the Covid-19 pandemic and the crisis of bodily touch.


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How to Cite

Fonseca Carrillo, C. (2022). Corporal deregulation through digital devices. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 10(3), 1–12.