Visual Design in Brand Communication on Instagram.




Graphic design, Graphic language, Brand, Social media, Instagram, Visual identity, Corporate identity


Visual design in social media fulfills an aesthetic function, and also helps in the communication process. This study analyzes the elements of graphic design in the content published by the brands Nike, Victoria's Secret, Zara and Chanel, which are the ones with the largest followers on Instagram. The methodology is qualitative, and the presence of fonts, colors is determined; etc. The research questions are: 1. Are elements of graphic language used in the publications made by brands on Instagram? 2. Is there visual coherence between the brand's corporate identity and the content published on Instagram?


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How to Cite

Carpio-Jiménez, L., Suing, A., & Ordóñez, K. (2024). Visual Design in Brand Communication on Instagram. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 16(8), 1–14.