Confinement, an e-learning booster

Changes study in content e-learning consumption and causality analysis trough a Bayesian Network


  • Oliver Carrero Márquez ESIC University / ESIC Business & Marketing School
  • Cristina Marín Palacios ESIC University / ESIC Business & Marketing School
  • María Botey Fullat ESIC University / ESIC Business & Marketing School


Palabras clave:

Confinement, YouTube, Education, E-learning, Bayesian Networks, COVID-19


The confinement has been one of the measures adopted to mitigate the effects of Covid-19 with the greatest effect on society, such as changes in the consumption of content e-learning due to their need to acquire new knowledge. The objective is to establish causal links between periods of confinement and the growth of consumption of e-learning resources. Data on the use of a e-learning channel have been taken and Bayesian Network have been used as a methodological instrument. The results confirm this causal relationship. It shows lines of cause-effect research that could improve e-learning content attending on the user behavior.


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Cómo citar

Carrero Márquez, O. ., Marín Palacios, C. ., & Botey Fullat, M. . (2022). Confinement, an e-learning booster: Changes study in content e-learning consumption and causality analysis trough a Bayesian Network. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 12(5), 1–14.