Visual Tools for Food Safety Assesment of Biotechnological Products


  • Manuel Ignacio Cando Díaz
  • Katherine Lissette Romero Vásquez
  • Daniel Adrián Cortez Tunja
  • Braden Anthony Amaya Villagran



food, Biotechnological, Nutritional Traffic Light, Food Safety, Nutritional Labeling


Visual tools in food safety assessment with nutrition labeling are a crucial approach to facilitate consumers' understanding of nutrition information. These tools include labeling systems such as the nutrition traffic light or warning front labels, as well as mobile applications and interactive websites. They aim to simplify the interpretation of nutrition information and help consumers make healthier food choices. In various contexts, such as Ecuador, these visual tools play a vital role in improving the accessibility and usefulness of nutrition labeling, helping to promote healthier eating and prevent diet-related diseases. Their effective implementation and their impact on public health continue to be areas of evolving research and development


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Almeida, I. B. P. (2019). Biotechnology contributions to rice improvement in Ecuador. Revista Científica ECOCIENCIA, 6(5), 1-22.

Arellano, Y. C., & Figueroa, N. V. D. (2022). Plant genomic editing: A biotechnological tool to ensure food security. IBIO Journal of Scientific Dissemination, 4(3), 19-21.

Arribas Plaza, A. del C. (2022). Global front-end nutrition labeling systems. Utility of the Nutri-Score System. (Trabajo Fin de Grado, Universidad de Valladolid).

Bravo, E. (2017). On how sanitary and food safety standards threaten peasant production in Ecuador. Antropología Cuadernos de Investigación, 17, 56.

Britos, S., Borg, A., Guiraldes, C., & Brito, G. (2018). Review on Front-of-Food Labeling and Nutrient Profiling Systems in the framework of Public Policy design. Date Retrieved From Document, 5, 2018.

Calderón Cisneros, J., Babici, V. R., Muñiz, A. P., & Ronquillo, E. A. (2022). Defunciones fetales como problema o naturalidad de la madre: Fetal deaths as problem or nature of the mother. Revista Científica Ecociencia, 9, 209-221.

Calderón Cisneros, J., Chimbo, K. M., Trejo, C. A., Valdez, K. G., & Villardón, J. L. (2019). Multivariate Analysis of Emotional Aspects and Multiple Intelligences in the Digital Era. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 2(18), 234-244.

Calderón Cisneros, J. T. (2021). Functional data analysis (FDA) applied to the main causes of mortality in Ecuador 1997-2021: a demographic study. (Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Salamanca).

Cantuña Tello, G., Ordoñez Torres, C., Ayala, J. L., & Ortiz, P. (2021). Nutritional labeling of processed foods (nutritional traffic light) and its relationship with socioeconomic, cultural, demographic and advertising factors, according to parents of children aged 5-11 years from two schools in Quito. Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría, 22(3), 1-14.

Latin American Center for Rural Development (2022). MANUAL METODOLOGÓGICO Encuesta de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación. Rimisp.

Cepeda Bustos, M. T. (2023). Analysis of marketing strategies used at the point of sale for the promotion of food products aimed at the Spanish school population.

Collantes Santos, I. I. (2018). Evaluation of the use of the nutritional traffic light label in the Central District of Quito. Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2018.


Cuellar Sánchez, D. M., Currea Botero, J. S., Mesa Sáenz, S. A., Socha Miranda, E. C., & Vargas Peñaloza, A. F. (2021). Best practices of frontal food labeling and its impact on the population of Bogotá. Specialization in Project Management.

De la Fuente Fernandez, S. (2011). Simple and Multiple Correspondence Analysis. Fac. Economics and Business Administration, 58.

Diaz-Diaz, P. S. (2021). Randomized controlled trial on the effect of two interpretive front-end nutrition labeling systems (warning labels vs. Nutri-Score) on food and beverage purchase intentions.

Eckart, C., & G Young (1936). The approximation of one matrix by another of lower rank. Springer.

Eckart, C., & G Young (1939). A principal axis transformation for non-Hermitian matrices. Ams.Org.

Fai, A. E. C., Stamford, T. C. M., & Stamford, T. L. M. (2008). Biotechnological potential of chitosan in food preservation systems. Revista Iberoamericana de Polímeros, 9(5), 435-451.

Ferreira, C. C. C. B., de Oliveira, S. de O. L., & Rosanova, C. (2020). Biotecnologia. Encontro Internacional de Gestão, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (EIGEDIN), 4(1).

Figueroa, D. (2016). Measuring food and nutrition security. Journal of Public Health and Nutrition, 1, 1-30.

Freire-Peñaherrera1 , A., & Cevallos-Cevallos-Cevallos, J. M. (2019). Advances in Biosciences and Food Safety in Ecuador-2019.

GABRIEL, K. R. (1971). The biplot graphic display of matrices with application to principal component analysis. Biometrika, 58(3), 453-467.

Gamboa, M. A. C., Bermeo-Paucar, J., Arcos, A. A. V., & Calderon Cisneros, J. T. (2022). Virtual learning in public education and its influence on academic performance. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, E53, 73-86.

Gamboa, M. A. C., Bermeo-Paucar, J., Arcos, A. A. V., & Cisneros, J. T. C. (2022). Virtual learning in public education and its influence on academic performance. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, E53, 73-86.

Garro-Monge, G. (2017). Crop and biotech food safety, "20 years of commercialization." Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 30(2), 67-74.

Golub, G. H., & Reinsch, C. (1971). Handbook Series Linear Algebra Singular Value Decomposition and Least Squares Solutions*. In Springer (Vol. 14).

Gutiérrez Sánchez, R. (2008). Correspondence Analysis. Multivariate Analysis For Sociologists Using SPSS, 106-116.

Hakim, M. P., Zanetta, L. D., de Oliveira, J. M., & da Cunha, D. T. (2020). The mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods in Brazil: Consumer's knowledge, trust, and risk perception. Food Research International, 132, 109053.

Hernández-Nava, L. G., Egnell, M., Aguilar-Salinas, C. A., Córdova-Villalobos, J. Á., Barriguete-Meléndez, J. A., Pettigrew, S., Hercberg, S., Julia, C., & Galán, P. (2020). Impact of different food front labeling according to nutritional quality: a comparative study in Mexico. Public Health of Mexico, 61, 609-618.

Hidalgo Bermeo, V. M. (2019). Incidence of product traffic light and marketing strategies proposal for the purchase decisions of consumers in the city of Cuenca. University of Azuay.

Hidalgo, J. F. H., Moreira, D. S. R., Pihuave, G. B., & Calderon Cisneros, J. T. (2022). Importance of ISO standards in industrial processes from computer science. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, E53, 306-317.

Huallpa Galvez, L. (2015). The importance of transgenic foods and their effects on food security.

Huamanchumo Neciosup, R. S., & Medina Ellen, C. M. (2019). Implementation of Semaphore system to improve the delivery of products per order in the area of Electro Tottus Chiclayo Open, 2019.

Jorquera, D., Galarce, N., & Borie, C. (2015). The challenge of controlling foodborne diseases: bacteriophages as a new biotechnological tool. Revista Chilena de Infectología, 32(6), 678-688.

Melleu, P. F., & Scoz, M. (2019). Diretrizes projetuais para sistemas de advertência em embalagens de alimentos ultraprocessados| Guidelines for Warning Labels on Ultra-processed Food Packaging. InfoDesign-Revista Brasileira de Design Da Informação, 16(3), 373-387.

Mier Pérez, L. (2022). La enseñanza de la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura en educación superior: los retos durante la pandemia COVID-19 y la relación del alumnado con la tecnología. La Enseñanza de La Didáctica de La Lengua y La Literatura En Educación Superior: Los Retos Durante La Pandemia COVID-19 y La Relación Del Alumnado Con La Tecnología, 131-142.

Miranda Llorente, Y. (2022). Analysis of marketing techniques and nutritional quality of food products promoted in the Instagram accounts most followed by Spanish adolescents.

Monroy Gonzáles, E. O. (2020). Development of a visual communication strategy for SOS Children's Villages, with emphasis on persuading Guatemalans to become SOS friends. Guatemala, Guatemala. University of San Carlos de Guatemala.

Ortega Antolín, P. (2023). Comparative analysis of front-of-pack nutritional labeling of food product packaging developed and implemented worldwide.

Ortiz Martínez, P. A. (2019). Do nutrition labeling help to improve consumers' eating habits?

Peña, D. (2002). Multivariate Data Analysis. Madrid: McGraw Hills.ña%2C+D.+%282002%29+"Análisis+de+Datos+Multivariantes.".+Madrid%2C+España&btnG=

Almeida, I. B. P. (2019). Biotechnology contributions to rice improvement in Ecuador. Revista Científica ECOCIENCIA, 6(5), 1-22.

Arellano, Y. C., & Figueroa, N. V. D. (2022). Plant genomic editing: A biotechnological tool to ensure food security. IBIO Journal of Scientific Dissemination, 4(3), 19-21. DOI:

Arribas Plaza, A. del C. (2022). Global front-end nutrition labeling systems. Utility of the Nutri-Score System. (Trabajo Fin de Grado, Universidad de Valladolid).

Bravo, E. (2017). On how sanitary and food safety standards threaten peasant production in Ecuador. Antropología Cuadernos de Investigación, 17, 56. DOI:

Britos, S., Borg, A., Guiraldes, C., & Brito, G. (2018). Review on Front-of-Food Labeling and Nutrient Profiling Systems in the framework of Public Policy design. Date Retrieved From Document, 5, 2018.

Calderón Cisneros, J., Babici, V. R., Muñiz, A. P., & Ronquillo, E. A. (2022). Defunciones fetales como problema o naturalidad de la madre: Fetal deaths as problem or nature of the mother. Revista Científica Ecociencia, 9, 209-221. DOI:

Calderón Cisneros, J., Chimbo, K. M., Trejo, C. A., Valdez, K. G., & Villardón, J. L. (2019). Multivariate Analysis of Emotional Aspects and Multiple Intelligences in the Digital Era. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 2(18), 234-244.

Calderón Cisneros, J. T. (2021). Functional data analysis (FDA) applied to the main causes of mortality in Ecuador 1997-2021: a demographic study. (Tesis Doctoral, Universidad de Salamanca).

Cantuña Tello, G., Ordoñez Torres, C., Ayala, J. L., & Ortiz, P. (2021). Nutritional labeling of processed foods (nutritional traffic light) and its relationship with socioeconomic, cultural, demographic and advertising factors, according to parents of children aged 5-11 years from two schools in Quito. Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría, 22(3), 1-14.

Latin American Center for Rural Development (2022). MANUAL METODOLOGÓGICO Encuesta de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación. Rimisp.

Cepeda Bustos, M. T. (2023). Analysis of marketing strategies used at the point of sale for the promotion of food products aimed at the Spanish school population.

Collantes Santos, I. I. (2018). Evaluation of the use of the nutritional traffic light label in the Central District of Quito. Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2018.


Cuellar Sánchez, D. M., Currea Botero, J. S., Mesa Sáenz, S. A., Socha Miranda, E. C., & Vargas Peñaloza, A. F. (2021). Best practices of frontal food labeling and its impact on the population of Bogotá. Specialization in Project Management.

De la Fuente Fernandez, S. (2011). Simple and Multiple Correspondence Analysis. Fac. Economics and Business Administration, 58.

Diaz-Diaz, P. S. (2021). Randomized controlled trial on the effect of two interpretive front-end nutrition labeling systems (warning labels vs. Nutri-Score) on food and beverage purchase intentions.

Eckart, C., & G Young (1936). The approximation of one matrix by another of lower rank. Springer.

Eckart, C., & G Young (1939). A principal axis transformation for non-Hermitian matrices. Ams.Org.

Fai, A. E. C., Stamford, T. C. M., & Stamford, T. L. M. (2008). Biotechnological potential of chitosan in food preservation systems. Revista Iberoamericana de Polímeros, 9(5), 435-451.

Ferreira, C. C. C. B., de Oliveira, S. de O. L., & Rosanova, C. (2020). Biotecnologia. Encontro Internacional de Gestão, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (EIGEDIN), 4(1).

Figueroa, D. (2016). Measuring food and nutrition security. Journal of Public Health and Nutrition, 1, 1-30.

Freire-Peñaherrera1 , A., & Cevallos-Cevallos-Cevallos, J. M. (2019). Advances in Biosciences and Food Safety in Ecuador-2019.

GABRIEL, K. R. (1971). The biplot graphic display of matrices with application to principal component analysis. Biometrika, 58(3), 453-467. DOI:

Gamboa, M. A. C., Bermeo-Paucar, J., Arcos, A. A. V., & Calderon Cisneros, J. T. (2022). Virtual learning in public education and its influence on academic performance. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, E53, 73-86.

Gamboa, M. A. C., Bermeo-Paucar, J., Arcos, A. A. V., & Cisneros, J. T. C. (2022). Virtual learning in public education and its influence on academic performance. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, E53, 73-86.

Garro-Monge, G. (2017). Crop and biotech food safety, "20 years of commercialization." Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 30(2), 67-74. DOI:

Golub, G. H., & Reinsch, C. (1971). Handbook Series Linear Algebra Singular Value Decomposition and Least Squares Solutions*. In Springer (Vol. 14). DOI:

Gutiérrez Sánchez, R. (2008). Correspondence Analysis. Multivariate Analysis For Sociologists Using SPSS, 106-116.

Hakim, M. P., Zanetta, L. D., de Oliveira, J. M., & da Cunha, D. T. (2020). The mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods in Brazil: Consumer's knowledge, trust, and risk perception. Food Research International, 132, 109053. DOI:

Hernández-Nava, L. G., Egnell, M., Aguilar-Salinas, C. A., Córdova-Villalobos, J. Á., Barriguete-Meléndez, J. A., Pettigrew, S., Hercberg, S., Julia, C., & Galán, P. (2020). Impact of different food front labeling according to nutritional quality: a comparative study in Mexico. Public Health of Mexico, 61, 609-618. DOI:

Hidalgo Bermeo, V. M. (2019). Incidence of product traffic light and marketing strategies proposal for the purchase decisions of consumers in the city of Cuenca. University of Azuay.

Hidalgo, J. F. H., Moreira, D. S. R., Pihuave, G. B., & Calderon Cisneros, J. T. (2022). Importance of ISO standards in industrial processes from computer science. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, E53, 306-317.

Huallpa Galvez, L. (2015). The importance of transgenic foods and their effects on food security.

Huamanchumo Neciosup, R. S., & Medina Ellen, C. M. (2019). Implementation of Semaphore system to improve the delivery of products per order in the area of Electro Tottus Chiclayo Open, 2019.

Jorquera, D., Galarce, N., & Borie, C. (2015). The challenge of controlling foodborne diseases: bacteriophages as a new biotechnological tool. Revista Chilena de Infectología, 32(6), 678-688. DOI:

Melleu, P. F., & Scoz, M. (2019). Diretrizes projetuais para sistemas de advertência em embalagens de alimentos ultraprocessados| Guidelines for Warning Labels on Ultra-processed Food Packaging. InfoDesign-Revista Brasileira de Design Da Informação, 16(3), 373-387. DOI:

Mier Pérez, L. (2022). La enseñanza de la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura en educación superior: los retos durante la pandemia COVID-19 y la relación del alumnado con la tecnología. La Enseñanza de La Didáctica de La Lengua y La Literatura En Educación Superior: Los Retos Durante La Pandemia COVID-19 y La Relación Del Alumnado Con La Tecnología, 131-142. DOI:

Miranda Llorente, Y. (2022). Analysis of marketing techniques and nutritional quality of food products promoted in the Instagram accounts most followed by Spanish adolescents.

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How to Cite

Cando Díaz, M. I., Romero Vásquez, K. L., Cortez Tunja, D. A., & Amaya Villagran, B. A. (2024). Visual Tools for Food Safety Assesment of Biotechnological Products. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 16(4), 151–169.



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