Politics Or Demagogy?
André Ventura's populism in the presidential elections (Portugal, 2021)
Portugal, Presidential Elections, Political communication, Narrative semiotics, RhetoricAbstract
Analysis on the speech of André Ventura (AV) in the television debates on the generalist Portuguese channels, RTP, SIC, TVI during the campaign for the presidential elections of January 2021. Study crossing semiotics and rhetoric. Semiotics will enable us to understand how AV discourse was inscribed in a political resentment. In turn, the rhetorical analysis will be useful to demonstrate the way in which his register moved away from a traditional paradigm of political expressiveness (inscribed in the deliberative genre) to one related to the judicial genre, in the scope of which it was generated a denouncement and stigmatization discursivity.
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André Ventura (AV) com João Ferreira (JF). <https://www.rtp.pt/play/p8201/e515977/presidenciais-2021-debates >
André Ventura (AV) com Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (MRS). <https://www.rtp.pt/play/p8201/e516360/presidenciais-2021-debates>
André Ventura (AV) com Ana Gomes (AG). <https://www.rtp.pt/play/p8201/e516826/presidenciais-2021-debates >
André Ventura (AV) com Vitorino Silva (VS). <https://www.rtp.pt/play/p8201/e515839/presidenciais-2021-debates>
André Ventura (AV) com Tiago Mayan (TM). <https://www.rtp.pt/play/p8201/e516099/presidenciais-2021-debates>
André Ventura (AV) com Marisa Matias (MM). <https://www.rtp.pt/play/p8201/e516600/presidenciais-2021-debates>
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