Female Representation in the Contemporary Television Western

The Examples of Godless (Netflix, 2017) and The English (BBC, 2022)





Television fiction, western, television, gender, feminism, television series


This paper presents a case study of two significant television fictions on female representation in the contemporary television western: Godless (Netflix, 2017) and The English (BBC, 2022), broadcast on streaming platforms. For this research, a qualitative methodology is employed that applies an analysis of gender studies in order to analyze the narrative, characters and verbal stereotypes, and identify the processes of signification associated with the female model. The findings reflect the rise and modernization of the television western. These current works share languages, plots and iconographies with the classic genre, but, at the same time, they propose variations that reach their protagonists and themes. Women increase their presence and importance in these stories and this causes new topics to filter through, such as motherhood, sisterhood or non-normative relationship models. The new female protagonists balance the patriarchal structure and establish more modern, diverse and inclusive narratives.


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Author Biography

Javier Mateos-Pérez , Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Javier Mateos-Pérez (jmateosperez@ucm.es) es Investigador Posdoctoral en el departamento de Periodismo y Comunicación Global, de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid e Investigador Principal del proyecto 2020-2024: “Las series de televisión españolas del siglo XXI. Narrativas, estéticas y representaciones históricas y sociales”, financiado por la Atracción al Talento Investigador de la Comunidad de Madrid. Su investigación académica se centra en el análisis de la televisión, la imagen y la ficción televisiva, temas sobre los que ha publicado libros y artículos en revistas como Television & New Media, European Journal of Communication, El Profesional de la Información, Comunicación y Sociedad, Historia Crítica o Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, entre otras.


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How to Cite

Marcos Ramos, M., & Mateos-Pérez , J. (2025). Female Representation in the Contemporary Television Western: The Examples of Godless (Netflix, 2017) and The English (BBC, 2022) . VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 17(1), 37–50. https://doi.org/10.62161/revvisual.v17.5359



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