Analysis of the Visual Depiction of Homosexuality in Spanish Cinematic Narratives Between 1970 & 1979



Spanish cinema, Spanish transition, Homosexuality, Late Francoism, Film character


This research examines the portrayal of both male and female homosexuality in Spanish cinema between the years 1970 and 1979. In order to achieve this objective, a sample of 575 feature films produced and released over the course of the decade was selected, and a total of 74 films were chosen from this sample. The recurrence of films containing representations of both male and female homosexuality during the five years preceding and following the conclusion of the dictatorship is examined. From the perspective of narrative theory, a quantitative character analysis is conducted to ascertain traits pertaining to age, educational level, openness, family integration, socio-economic status, and personal care of the identified profiles. This analysis reveals the emergence of distinct typologies in late-Francoist cinema that diverge from those observed in the narratives produced during the early years of the Transition, particularly regarding the portrayal of both male and female homosexuality.


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How to Cite

Codesido, V., & García García, F. (2024). Analysis of the Visual Depiction of Homosexuality in Spanish Cinematic Narratives Between 1970 & 1979. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 16(8), 191–204. Retrieved from