‘Twitch Interviews’: teaching innovation in audiovisual journalism

Interviews with Radio and TV Professionals


  • Mario Alcudia Borreguero
  • Esther Cervera Barriga




Twitch, Interview, Journalism, Audiovisual, Radio, Television, Teaching innovation


The format of the live audiovisual interview, through the Twitch livestream platform, becomes an effective and invaluable tool when it comes to learning journalistic skills and deepening the informative task through professional experiences, thanks to the testimonies of prominent radio and television communicators. also showing his human side. In addition, the training contents of the subject Audiovisual Journalism of the Degree in Journalism of the CEU San Pablo University are updated. A collaborative methodology in which students participate in writing and conducting interviews.


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How to Cite

Alcudia Borreguero, M., & Cervera Barriga, E. (2024). ‘Twitch Interviews’: teaching innovation in audiovisual journalism: Interviews with Radio and TV Professionals. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 16(2), 171–180. https://doi.org/10.62161/revvisual.v16.5239



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