Agenda, Framing and Editorial Bias in State-Run Television News in Spain

Results of the Regional and Municipal Elections of 28-M 2023 Versus the Announcement of Early General Elections


  • Joaquín Sotelo Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Agenda setting, Framing, Editorial bias, Television news, Elections, Electoral advance


Television continues to be an information source of very notable social significance. Through it and thanks to its mediating role between the political sphere and citizens, a large part of them build or support their ideas about public debates. Among all the possible news topics, television news programs select some (agenda) for treatment and dissemination in a certain way (framing and bias). We analyze here the differences, through content analysis, between the main Spanish state television news programs in relation to two relevant news events. We conclude that there are significant differences between the work of each channel and that the editorial lines of the respective channels (Antena 3 and Telecinco, conservative line; TVE and La Sexta, progressive line) determine their informative approaches to the news events studied.


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How to Cite

Sotelo, J. (2024). Agenda, Framing and Editorial Bias in State-Run Television News in Spain: Results of the Regional and Municipal Elections of 28-M 2023 Versus the Announcement of Early General Elections. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 16(1), 31–43.



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