Logical thinking and computational programmatics in engineering students


  • Rubén Alexandre More Valencia Universidad Nacional de Piura
  • Juan Manuel Tume Ruiz Universidad Nacional de Piura
  • Antia Rangel Vega Universidad Nacional de Piura




Thought, Logical Thinking, Computational Programmatic, Communication, Teaching Engineering, Engineering students


The purposes of studies on computational logical thinking foresee that it is possible, through experiment work, to do research on previous skills of logic and mathematics in engineering students, by using packages of software and applications and supporting these students in parallel. It was possible that teachers achieved impact by using co-creation, and, since their work was collaborative, this showed leadership, motivation, and guidance. By using computer programming and analytical tools integrated into the capacities of students, this not only allowed collaboration, but also development and progress for building their own knowledge, in a process according to the pedagogical theory of constructionism.


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How to Cite

More Valencia, R. A., Tume Ruiz, J. M. ., & Rangel Vega, A. . (2022). Logical thinking and computational programmatics in engineering students. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 12(5), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.37467/revvisual.v9.3784