Risk factors of suffering burnout by university lecturers: a qualitative research


  • María Pilar Egea-Romero Universidad San Pablo CEU
  • María Isabel Galindo-Abradelo Universidad San Pablo CEU




Burnout, Lecturers, University, Qualitative methodology, Professional life, Absence of time, Workload


A qualitative research was developed by using a phenomenological methodology on the main factors that may influence the appearance of burnout in university lecturers, according to their own point of view, is presented. A semi-structured interview was made to 25 university teachers asked on the factors that caused them some kind of unrest in their professional life. As a result, the work overload, the need to take part of their work home and the lack of time to disconnect, as well as the perception of students’ demotivation are the major factors that cause this discomfort and may provoke burnout.


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How to Cite

Egea-Romero, M. P. ., & Galindo-Abradelo, M. I. (2022). Risk factors of suffering burnout by university lecturers: a qualitative research. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 11(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.37467/revvisual.v9.3635