Revealing lies: The fake as an artistic practice against defactualisation


  • Andrés Torres-Carceller Universitat de Barcelona



Artistic Education, Media Education, Digital competence, Fake, Post-photography, Defactualization, Verofiction


The communicational ecosystem developed with web 2.0 has served as a battlefield for disinformation, taking advantage of and promoting an increasingly defactualised society with a low concern for resorting to reliable sources. The fake has been used by artists as a means of precisely combating lies with their own strategies, with the aim of impacting on the spectator and making them aware of the mechanisms of deception. In this case, we adopt the fake as a means to promote media and digital literacy in future teachers through an Art Education project using visual narratives disguised as truth.


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How to Cite

Torres-Carceller, A. (2022). Revealing lies: The fake as an artistic practice against defactualisation. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 10(1), 1–13.