The Right to the City Centre

Urban Culturalization Strategies as Modelers of the Uses of Historic City Centres


  • Rita Henriques University of Coimbra


Palabras clave:

City centre, Urban culturalization, Right to the city centre, Historic centre, Jardins Efémeros, Viseu


The development of a symbolic urban economy reinforces the importance of historic city centres as spaces of aesthetic and cultural consumption. Urban culturalization strategies adapt them to uses and perceptions that target specific classes of consumers, generating gentrification effects. Elaborating on a research on the Jardins Efémeros Festival in Viseu (Portugal), this article explores how its programmatic agenda and connection with local politics reconfigures the city centre by generating new balances and dissonances between the ideal of city proposed by the cultural intervention, the reframing of space for aesthetic and experiential consumption, and the local community's expectations and interests.


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Cómo citar

Henriques, R. (2022). The Right to the City Centre: Urban Culturalization Strategies as Modelers of the Uses of Historic City Centres. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 9(1), 69–82.



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