The Attractiveness of Quebec's Heritage Sites in The Era of Covid-19



Palabras clave:

Instagram, Cultural Heritage, UNESCO, Cultural Tourism, Covid-19, Historic District of Old Quebec, Tourist attractiveness


UNESCO World Heritage site designation is an opportunity to achieve international status. Studies have demonstrated that many of these sites are major attractions to international visitors and first-time visitors. While Covid-19 has limited international mobility during 2020, this study aims to understand how those responsible for tourism and World Heritage sites have communicated the heritage of the Historic District of Old Quebec (Canada) to local and national visitors. To measure tourist attractiveness, the study analyzed publications posted on Instagram during the summer of 2020. Strategies for diffusion revealed an approach to enhance natural sites more than cultural heritage.


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Biografía del autor/a

Sebastián Alberto Longhi Heredia, Universidad de Huelva

Doctoral candidate in the interuniversity doctoral program in Communication (Universities of Seville, Málaga, Huelva and Cadiz) Master in Historical and Natural Heritage (Universidad de Huelva). Master M2 Media Cultures 2 Languages (Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, France). Member of the research group: Patrimonio y Artes Visuales en Europe y en Ámerica (HUM068) Universidad de Huelva. Intern at the Research Chair in Partnership on Attractiveness and Innovation in Tourism, Laval University (Quebec, Canada). He works around cultural and heritage themes linked to tourism, press and social networks.

Pascale Marcotte, Université Laval

PhD Marcotte is a professor in the Department of Geography at Laval University (Quebec, Canada) and a researcher at the Research Chair in Partnership on Attractiveness and Innovation in Tourism. His work focuses on the attractiveness of tourist and cultural sites, the attachment and values of consumers towards these sites, as well as the imaginary and cultural representations associated with tourist sites. She has published several articles relating to UNESCO World Heritage sites and is a member of the UNESCO UNITWIN - tourism-culture-sustainable development network.


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Cómo citar

Longhi Heredia, S. A., & Marcotte, P. (2021). The Attractiveness of Quebec’s Heritage Sites in The Era of Covid-19. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 8(2), 151–165.