Whatsapp Panic Attitudes and Practices Facing the Application's Downtime





WhatsApp, Software Cultural Studies, Digital Generation, Noo-politics, Social Networking


This study investigates the attitudes and practices of WhatsApp users in response to Facebook's global service outage in October 2020. It is framed within cultural software studies and examines how users experience and relate to social networking platforms. The research also explores the generational dimension in the use of technology and its impact on social relationships.


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How to Cite

Aroca Jácome, R. ., Aguirre Jiménez, S. ., Ocaña Ocaña, A. ., & León López, P. . (2023). Whatsapp Panic Attitudes and Practices Facing the Application’s Downtime. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 16(1), 87–106. https://doi.org/10.62161/revvisual.v16.5166



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