Digital government, state modernization and citizen service

Considerations in a digital government strategy in Peru


  • Lino Ronaldo Rodríguez Alegre Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión
  • Rosario del Pilar López Padilla Universidad César Vallejo



Digital government, Digital transformation, Digital connectivity, Information Society, ICT, Citizenship, Competitiveness


The objective was to analyse the understanding of the importance and priorities of the factors that will contribute to implement digital government in the Regional Government of Lima Provinces. It was an exploratory research of descriptive scope, qualitative approach with documentary review strategy. An association and prioritization between these factors were identified with observance of dependence and interrelation. The Regional Government of Lima Provincias is developing e-government actions and undertaking a digital government strategy requires understanding the importance of the factors and the variables associated with them in order to establish a digitalization strategy.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Alegre, L. R., & López Padilla, R. del P. (2023). Digital government, state modernization and citizen service: Considerations in a digital government strategy in Peru. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 13(2), 1–8.