Postcards of Santiago de Chile: Representations of the City by “La Tercera” Newspaper


  • Claudio Lagos-Olivero Universidad Complutense de Madrid



City, Public space, Newspapers, Mass media, Representations


The current investigation observes and analyses the city through the press. In fact through 363 editions of the front page section “Santiago”, from the national newspaper “La Tercera” (2012) which proposes a particular vision of the world. It starts reflecting from the paradigm of “social mediation” (Martín Serrano, 1978, 2008), which identifies the relationship of interdependence between the “public communication system” and the “social system”, of capitalist and monopolist character, for that matter. A content analysis will seek to establish, from its “symbolic expression” (Krippendorff, 1990), the type of city that the covers are building, identifying the representations of the city and citizens of Santiago, from the city categories proposed by the theoretical production of urbanism and political economy.


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How to Cite

Lagos-Olivero, C. (2015). Postcards of Santiago de Chile: Representations of the City by “La Tercera” Newspaper. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 2(1), 39–50.



Research articles