The purpose of brands in small and medium sized enterprise.

Communication analysis of SMEs in Instagram during 2023 in Spain.




SMEs, Purpose, Contents, Instagram, Communication, Brands, RSC


Purpose is a pillar that SMEs must work on and communicate to adapt to new needs and trends that require meaning and awareness. Using quantitative methodology, the content generated on Instagram will be analyzed for a month by SMEs awarded by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in 2023 that actively use this social network. Revealing data is extracted that indicates the importance that these brands give to the attributes of their products and/or services, moving away from the effective communication of the purpose and questioning the relevance that this concept really acquires in their actions


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How to Cite

Pacheco Barriga, L., Fernández Blanco, E., Fernández Gómez, J. D., & Gordillo Rodríguez, M. T. (2024). The purpose of brands in small and medium sized enterprise.: Communication analysis of SMEs in Instagram during 2023 in Spain. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 16(8), 133–155.