The Transformation of Spanish Photojournalism during Transition

Comparative study between El País, ABC and La Voz de Galicia


  • Elpidio Del Campo Cañizares Universidad Miguel Hernández
  • Leónidas Spinelli Capel Universidad Miguel Hernández



Photojournalism, Spanish Transition, El País, ABC, La Voz de Galicia, Xosé Castro, Periodismo


This paper aims to observe the transformation of photojournalism along Spanish Transition through a comparative analysis between two national newspapers: El País and ABC and a regional one: La Voz de Galicia. Try to check to what extent the trend pointed by El País was followed by the rest of the newspapers. It uses a sample of relevant news and is complemented by an interview with the photojournalist from La Voz de Galicia Xosé Castro.Results show that El País, from the beginning, establishes new paradigms in photojournalism; but these are not followed by the other newspapers.


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How to Cite

Del Campo Cañizares, E. ., & Spinelli Capel, L. (2022). The Transformation of Spanish Photojournalism during Transition: Comparative study between El País, ABC and La Voz de Galicia. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 12(2), 1–15.