The image of post-truth in the OED and the DLE

Lexical-logical analysis and hermeneutic synthesis


  • José Antonio Marín-Casanova Universidad de Sevilla



Diccionario de la lengua española (DLE), Facts, Hermeneutics, Oxford English Dictionary (OED), Post-truth, Reality, Rhetoric


This is not the usual work on post-truth. It does not expose, assuming that there is a univocal concept of post-truth, how to avoid its danger. On the contrary, the paper attempts to question the very notion of post-truth. The procedure consists of a lexical-logical analysis and a hermeneutic synthesis of the definitions of "post-truth" in the most emblematic dictionaries of the English and Spanish languages. It studies, first, the unemotional pure reason of the OED, and, second, the naive intact realism of the DLE. The main conclusion is that the distinction between truth and post-truth is rhetorical-pragmatic, not ontological.


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How to Cite

Marín-Casanova, J. A. . (2022). The image of post-truth in the OED and the DLE: Lexical-logical analysis and hermeneutic synthesis. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 11(2), 1–11.