Political speech games

The management of Rodolfo Hernández’s personal brand on TikTok


  • Carolina Niño Pantoja Universidad Ean
  • Jazmín Gálvis Ardila Universidad Ean




Personal branding, Discourse analysis, Policy, Spin doctor, TikTok


This study analyzed the management of the personal brand of Colombian presidential candidate Rodolfo Hernández in 2022 on TikTok and the way in which the spin doctor teamed up with the candidate to build a discursive game in the digital political arena. It founds the impoverishment of the political discourse that is subjected to the logic of the market and the rules imposed by its media coverage. Even so, the candidate fulfilled his objective, to get votes to go to the second round, which puts at risk the very value of the political contest in a democratic system.


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How to Cite

Niño Pantoja, C., & Gálvis Ardila, J. (2022). Political speech games: The management of Rodolfo Hernández’s personal brand on TikTok. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 9(4), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.37467/revvisual.v9.3543