Feijóo Versus Abascal

Generation Z, corruption and politics’ attributes perception: a correlational study with Implicit Association Test IAT


  • Pablo Martín Díez Universidad Camilo José Cela
  • Eloy García Pérez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Pamela Simón Sandoval Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Political communication, Political leadership, IAT, Neuropolitics, Corruption perception, Voting behaviour, Generation Z


ZThe political behavior of generation Z is based on animosity, distrust of traditional parties and a preference for new movements. This article uses Implicit Association Test (IAT) methodology, to compare how generation Z perceives Santiago Abascal, the leader of the emerging party Vox, and Alberto Núñez Feijóo, recently appointed president of the Popular Party, in Spain, with the aim of evaluating its attributes (positive and negative) and measuring the implicit perception of a possible link to corruption, and all this within an electoral projection framework.


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How to Cite

Martín Díez, P. ., García Pérez, E., & Simón Sandoval, P. (2022). Feijóo Versus Abascal: Generation Z, corruption and politics’ attributes perception: a correlational study with Implicit Association Test IAT. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 9(4), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.37467/revvisual.v9.3540