The documentary film: the key to audiovisual science communication


  • Almudena Muñoz Gallego Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
  • José Antonio Jiménez de las Heras Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Documentary, Science, Dissemination, Audiovisual, Communication, Narrative


In the current audiovisual landscape characterised by a huge offer of audiovisual content, both in conventional television and in the multi-platform options of video on demand, it is complicated to say the least to find an attractive and comprehensible audiovisual format that communicates science. However, what is the ideal way to communicate science? What is the solution proposed by the current audiovisual scenario, which is so demanding in terms of entertainment and audience share? And, finally, how do we fit the language of science among the general public? Our proposal to achieve the objective of effective science communication, without sacrificing its rigor or entertainment, would be the use of the scientific documentary and its multifunctional capacity; a hybrid audiovisual format with the capacity to simultaneously assume a pedagogical, informative and entertaining narrative.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Gallego, A., & Jiménez de las Heras, J. A. (2021). The documentary film: the key to audiovisual science communication. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 8(2), 227–238.