The Death of Photograph, the Day After

Alterations of Reality and Experiences Created by Technological Advances




Photograph, Virtual reality, Immersive reality, Video, Transformation


The death of photography is argued through its evolutionary step. Nôth, Berger, Dubois, among others, show in their thesis the decadence due to the use of virtual reality and augmented reality devices, innovative gadgets with a fusion of illustrations, frames, audio, interactions, and reactions in an enriched element. The thesis supports three times: moments of its emergence, technological advances, and replacement of traditional media by immersive media. The monographic methodology enables conceptual alignment, concluding that technological advances lead us to a personal representation that is defined by alterations of physical reality, building new experiences.


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Author Biography

Juan Pablo Méndez Moreno, Universidad La Salle Chihuahua

Coordinación de ingenierias, Profesor de fotografía.


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How to Cite

Méndez Moreno, J. P. (2022). The Death of Photograph, the Day After: Alterations of Reality and Experiences Created by Technological Advances. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 9(1), 151–165.



Critical reflection articles