The Image in Discussion
For a Theory of the Image to its Credit of the Invisible
Archeology of Visuality, Introvision-Extravision, Apparatus of the Image, Phantasmagoria, Photography, Movie Theater, Representation, Aura and Shock in the Image, Situation and Critical ImageAbstract
We analyze the value of the scopic drive in the ambivalent action of seeing: extromission and intromission. Emphasizing that the implicit screen of our images is revealed by our vision in the confrontation with the real, as modern historiography teaches from its theories and devices of seeing and representation, verifying that confrontation by the triumph of trompe l'oeil and the simulation. The complexity of the technical productive story of the images reflects the artificiality arguing both objectivity and effusion of image, scientific connivance as a phantom, from anamorphism to mechanical devices as significant historical turns.
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