Spanish Universities on TikTok

The Effectiveness of Trends and Challenges in Generating Engagement




TikTok, Engagement, University, Viral trends, Digital marketing


The article analyzes the use of TikTok by Spanish universities as an institutional communication strategy, focusing on their participation in viral trends and their effectiveness in generating engagement. Through a content analysis of the most popular videos, the most effective strategies were evaluated. The results show that short videos aligned with viral trends achieve greater interaction than institutional or promotional content. In addition, an uneven adoption of the platform is highlighted, suggesting a potential for improvement in the use of TikTok by universities to maximize its impact.


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How to Cite

Íñigo Urquía. (2024). Spanish Universities on TikTok : The Effectiveness of Trends and Challenges in Generating Engagement. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 16(8), 15–27.