Using Google Maps as a Tool for Two-Way Political Communication with Citizens

Analysis of the Case of the Congress of the Republic of Peru


  • Oscar Peña Cáceres Universidad César Vallejo
  • María Gabriela Barrera Rea
  • Henry Silva-Marchan
  • Rudy Espinoza-Nima
  • Jorge Yánez-Palacios
  • Elvis Garay-Silupu



Perception, Corruption, Congress of the Republic, Peru, Google Maps, Sentiments


Recently, the democratic system of Peru has experienced a notable increase in corruption levels. This study examines reviews of the Congress of the Republic of Peru on Google Maps, analyzing a total of 993 comments. VADER is used for sentiment analysis, and a word cloud is employed to visualize and summarize citizens' opinions. The results reveal widespread distrust, with prominent terms such as “Much Corruption” and “Rat Hole” During periods of political turmoil, an increase in the number of opinions is observed. Future studies should expand the sample and consider data from other social media platforms to gain a more comprehensive view of public perception.


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How to Cite

Peña Cáceres, O., Barrera Rea, M. G., Silva-Marchan, H., Espinoza-Nima, R., Yánez-Palacios, J., & Garay-Silupu, E. (2025). Using Google Maps as a Tool for Two-Way Political Communication with Citizens: Analysis of the Case of the Congress of the Republic of Peru. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 17(1), 149–163.



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