The company in operation with audit reports the going business hypothesis based on audit reports


  • Elvia Rosalía Inga Llanez Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Maria Fernanda Yaguache Aguilar Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja



Financial Audit, Tourist company, Audit reports, Pandemia time, Financial indicators, Going Business, Ecuador


The going concern hypothesis assumes the financial sustainability of the company in the future, being important the professional judgment of the auditor who affirms the reasonableness of the financial information in all its material aspects and promotes credibility in the global market. The audit report of 51 companies for the 2010-2020, period was analyzed, a logit regression and the Mann Whitney U test were applied with financial indicators. It is observed that ROA has a positive impact on the going concern assumption. The financial indicators analyzed are not that different before and during COVID.


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How to Cite

Inga Llanez, E. R., & Yaguache Aguilar, M. F. (2022). The company in operation with audit reports the going business hypothesis based on audit reports. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 12(4), 1–14.