EU energy taxation framework revision in the context of the green deal

Towards a green, efficient, socially just, and inclusive economy transition


  • Álvaro Antón Antón CEU Universities



European Green Deal, Energy Taxation, Fit for 55, Environmental Tax, Tax Law, Energy Tax Directive, Energy Tax


The EU aims to reduce emissions by at least 55% by 2030. To achieve this, the European Commission launched proposals to introduce price signals through the modification or extension of the Emission Trading Scheme and the Energy Tax Directive. These instruments could have a negative impact on households and companies' competitiveness. This research focuses on the one hand, on the role of energy taxation in the achievement of climate objectives and budget stability. And, on the other, in analysing the role of taxation to develop compensatory measures so that the transition is efficient, socially fair and inclusive.



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How to Cite

Antón Antón, Álvaro . (2022). EU energy taxation framework revision in the context of the green deal: Towards a green, efficient, socially just, and inclusive economy transition. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 11(3), 1–13.