Videogames, a narrative territory for bands

Tortillaland case


  • Magdalena Mut Camacho Universitat Jaume I de Castellón



Videojuego, Marca, Engagement, Comunicación, Publicidad, Creatividad, Tortillaland


Video games have become a lucrative and relevant cultural industry in the leisure of society. Brands, aware of this, want to participate and have evolved in their way of being present in this medium, creating interesting communication strategies. The objective of the brands is to connect with the young public by establishing a new narrative of the brand that seeks notoriety and engagement.
In this article we analyze the progression of brands in video games and study an example of the communicative action of the Samsung brand in the streaming game Tortillaland.


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How to Cite

Mut Camacho, M. (2022). Videogames, a narrative territory for bands: Tortillaland case. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 10(4), 1–10.