A study of european metropolises in urban symphonies





Experimental cinema, Avant-garde cinema, Film space, Chronotope, Urban identity, Representation of the city, Urban topology


Urban symphonies, a film subgenre that emerged in the 1920s, combine artistic experimentation with documentary to poetically represent life in the city. These films are characterized by portraying the urban dynamism, spaces and daily routines of the cities of the time. This research focuses on the representation of the European metropolises of the 1920s, employing a proprietary methodology that analyzes the city as an autonomous filmic space. The study is divided into two phases: a content analysis of four representative works of the subgenre, followed by a filmic textual analysis. Each film constructs a unique urban identity based on the geographical and social characteristics of its city, avoiding iconic monuments and focusing on everyday space. These works develop a narrative in which the course of a day and urban routines create a specific chronotope that structures the cinematic narrative.


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How to Cite

Barbera Hernández, V. M., & Llerena Fernández, A. (2025). A study of european metropolises in urban symphonies. Street Art & Urban Creativity, 11(2), 61–72. https://doi.org/10.62161/sauc.v11.5709



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