The Origins of Mass Communication

The Modern Advertising Poster in the Cities of France and Italy




Advertising poster, Graphic design, Art Nouveau, Liberty Style, History of advertising, Belle Époque, Lithography


Advertising posters emerged in the late 19th century and became the primary mass communication medium until World War I. This paper contextualizes and justifies their cultural impact in France and Italy as primary centers of artistic poster design. It analyzes the socioeconomic, technological, and artistic factors that fueled the rise of posters as a mass medium, as well as the works of the most important poster designers in both countries. The findings show that these posters coherently reflected the profound transformations of the time. The leading poster designers, selected for their popularity—Chéret, Mucha, Toulouse-Lautrec, Dudovich, Cappiello, and Hohenstein—created works of great artistic value that far exceeded the ephemeral nature of the medium. These posters not only transformed the urban landscape but also left a lasting mark on the collective memory, one that endures over 100 years later.


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How to Cite

Bueno Doral, T., Francia Ferrero, R., & García-Castillo, N. (2025). The Origins of Mass Communication: The Modern Advertising Poster in the Cities of France and Italy. Street Art & Urban Creativity, 11(2), 15–31.



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