The Role of Creative Industries in Urban Regeneration

A Comparative Study of London and Bogotá




Creative Industries, Urban Regeneration, Strategic Planning, City Initiatives, Gentrification, London, Bogotá


Urban regeneration faces significant challenges in relation to citizens' needs. At a global level, some cities implement regeneration strategies independently of official budgets. This represents an opportunity for urban planners and policymakers, as well as the audience, to actively shape citizen art expression in their culture and urban identity, empowering them with a sense of responsibility.

This study methodologically compares the case studies of London and Bogotá, two cities with unique cultures and citizen initiatives. Despite their disparate economic resources, both towns have established municipal programs that foster a creative economy, using their industries to regenerate their urban and social fabric.

The selected cases highlight how these cities address urban regeneration and become references to constantly evolving urban identity. The interaction between the creative economy and urban regeneration in London and Bogotá illustrates the cities' capacity to promote a sense of belonging and social cohesion in their communities.


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How to Cite

Ajuriaguerra Escudero, M. A., & Di Guglielmo, O. (2025). The Role of Creative Industries in Urban Regeneration: A Comparative Study of London and Bogotá. Street Art & Urban Creativity, 11(1), 111–136.



Research articles